'Official' Opening

The 'official' opening of the Harborough Magna village hall took place on Saturday 13th November 2021, almost a year after it should have been held! David Jones (Chair of the Old School Community Rooms) welcomed over thirty people who had contributed to the project from its inception in 2007. The guests among others included: Elizabeth and Barry Biggs-Poyner, Ian Bentlett, John and Carolyn Harrison, Gina Archer, Chris Duignan (CDD Ltd), Norman Clarke, Chris Priddy, Brian and Susan Ingram, David Holvey, Bob Bolton, Kerry-Anne and Ian Canning and Fenella and John France. The ribbon was cut by Elizabeth Biggs-Poyner and Ian Bentlett and the toast was raised to the village hall. Thanks to Ewan Bennett for acting as official photographer.

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